Shaykh Abu Abdissalam
Secrets of Dua
A course about how to get the best out of your duas. What are the "Best Times" when Dua is accepted? How can I Increase the likelihood of my du'a being accepted? Why is my du'a not accepted? Can Du'a change Qadr?
- Etiquettes of Dua
- Top Things that make your Duas more likely to be accepted
- What are the "Best Times" when Dua is accepted?
- Why is my du'a not accepted?
- Can Du'a change Qadr?
- What's the point of making Du'a if Allah has decreed everything already?
- Many people run out of things to make Dua for after a few minutes of supplicating. Top Tips on what should you make Dua for (With these tips, you'll be able to make Dua for a long time without getting bored inshAllah!)
- Powerful Duas from the Quran and Sunnah
- Released

Sheikh Abu Abdissalam was born in the Central English Town of Coventry and was raised in London. Graduating with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science in London, his zeal for knowledge led him to...more
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khanyouseff April 11, 2018 at 3:17 PM
Alhamdulillah beautiful way to close the course. One of the best practical advice given when it comes to constructing your Dua Plans. I have read Shaykh Yasir Qadhi's Book on Dua and been on Shaykh Mohammed Al Sharif's Course regarding this beautiful topic. Shaykh Abu Abdisslam's delivery is unique and does justice to this topic Alhamdulillah, very insightful. JazakAllah Khair.